Welcome Home

At the 2013 Joint Assembly, our churches committed to work together to engage issues of homelessness and affordable housing. In light of this commitment, it felt like it was time to engage the youth of our churches in this initiative as well.  We invite you to participate in Welcome… Home!

Where To Start?

Our Commitment

  • To learn about the issues that contribute to poverty, homelessness, and substandard housing and to raise awareness within our communities of the challenges and the potential engagement in supporting initiatives to address these challenges.
  • To act by nurturing and supporting our own networks of agencies and programs with and for the homeless, the under housed, and refugees.
  • To advocate for renewed Federal funding, an integrated national collaborative strategy, and greater accountability on the part of provinces and municipalities in addressing underlying causes of homelessness and in providing opportunities for affordable housing.
  • To pray for safe, affordable and adequate housing for all.